We're proud to be working on several ground-breaking projects using various components of the Conserve.IO mobile data platform. See the gallery below for more information on each.
Whale Alert
Whale Alert is the first mobile application of its kind that drastically decreases the complexity of complying with environmental regulations for a particular species (in this case, Right whales).


Sharktivity, a partnership with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, provides realtime alerts for White Shark sightings and beach closings in the Cape Cod region and beyond. It has received numerous awards and media coverage since it’s initial release and is one of the most successful outreach / citizen science applications in use today.
Manatee Alert
Manatee Alert helps Florida boaters have a much easier time of observing speed restriction zones designed to protect this endangered species.

Spotter is an new field data collection app that integrates smart phone (and tablet) technology with cloud data services. The application suite allows for quick configuration of new data collection projects as well as creating custom groups and organizations. Full effort based data collections are automatically synced with cloud-based storage.
Spotter is built into the forthcoming Whale Alert 3.0 and Ocean Alert Apps and available now in stable Beta